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Spiritual Life
Finding Peace in the Chaos
And that’s where I am in my journey, struggling to learn how to rest in the chaos.
5 Misconceptions about Forgiveness
The important thing is that you don’t let the offense — or the offender — continue to keep you on their emotional hook.
Two Words That Change Everything: But God
One day, on this side of Eden, Jesus would be the ultimate sacrifice, the covering for those who would be called children of God. His perfection would swallow up their imperfection, the source of their guilt and shame. For those who would trust Him, He would step in and turn over the table, ending the game with the enemy.
1 Thing Terrorists Can NOT Do
They are often the “stars” of the nightly news and the greatest of political debates.They make their mark on the face of the globe, staking their claim, and leaving a trail of destruction behind them.
Shipwrecks, Prisons & Divisions: Was Paul a Missionary Failure?
Imagine planning a mission trip for a group from your church, and you end up shipwrecked or in jail in some foreign country. Wouldn’t you think something had gone horribly wrong?
What I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Ministry
These are not necessarily the most important things I’ve learned—but these are 20 things that come to mind at the moment that I’ve learned in 20 years of ministry.
5 Things Pastors Should Never Do
If you want to be an effective pastor and church leader, avoid these five things:
New Year’s Resolutions for You and Your Church (2016)
We make resolutions because we want to bring change to bear on our circumstances. We want to improve ourselves and our quality of life. And the top resolutions, for most people, tend to revolve around the same three poles: money, health and family. But what would a set of New Year’s resolutions look like for you and your church, your role as a leader, or simply as someone who wants to live a life of strategic Kingdom investment?
4 Ways to Eliminate Working Mom Guilt
Unfortunately, many moms who are attempting to balance everything find themselves under the heavy burden of guilt.
No, Your Child’s Bad Choice Does Not Make You a Bad Mom
One day, our child may do or say something that causes us embarrassment or anger. It threatens to make us look like we don’t really know how to parent.
4 Life Lessons to Help Mom Get Through the Day
Rainy days will come, but take heart, the trouble is momentary. Jesus has overcome (John 16:33).
A New Year’s Hope for Single Parents
The days after Christmas can be some of the toughest for single parents. But a new year is upon us – and with it comes hope.
Holiday Cash Fight and Controlling Your Emotional Spending
Gift giving shouldn’t be a weapon used in sibling (or any other) rivalry. Nor should it be a way to boost your ‘relative’ self-esteem.
Where is My Treasure?
Can I really say that I would rather have Jesus than silver or gold? Maybe my retirement fund will make that decision for me.
Top 9 Excuses You’re Making that Spell Bad News for Your Financial Future
We have, as human beings, an astounding ability to allow fear and the influences of others shape our financial decisions.
10 Ways to Manage Your Investments with Wisdom
“Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it.”
5 Ways You are Ruining Your Child’s Life
There are five parenting traps that many well-intentioned modern parents fall into without even knowing it.
10 Tips for Traveling with Teens
I know that traveling with teenagers can go terribly wrong, and I’ve heard the horror stories. So here are 10 tips for success.
7 Ways to be the Best Dad in a Crisis!
If you find yourself in charge of everything during a crisis, here are some tips that really helped my family.
8 Ways to Help Your Children Play and Learn
Here in South Africa we cannot imagine a lifestyle where children are not outdoors most of the time. What about your kids?
7 of the Greatest Needs of a Husband
Based on personal observation and experience working with married couples, here are the 7 greatest needs of a husband.
How to Embrace Fun in Your Marriage Right Now
Fun is isn’t something you merely tack on to your relationship as an extra; it is integral to the health of your marriage.
6 Ways to Become More Attracted to Your Spouse
The years tend to take their toll on us physically, emotionally and can even impact the issue of being attracted to, and by, our mate.
What My Divorce Taught Me about Trusting God
God has a greater purpose for my pain, one that’s not always obvious to me. God uses my difficulties for my good and his glory.
Calling All Generation Xers … The Job Search: It’s Not What You’ve Done, But Who You Are
The world of work has changed and the traditional frame of reference is out of date. There needs to be a major transition of thinking regarding today’s hiring practices.
3 Fundamental Qualities of Core Leaders
Strong leadership begins from within and it takes years of living an intentional, disciplined life lead by a servant’s heart.
How to Respond to the Harshest Critic
Imagine, then, if we chose to speak to ourselves and others with Spirit-led, grace-overflowing, truth-filled response of honest but helpful criticism?
The Greatest Seat at the Holiday Table
The holiday season often ushers in feelings of loneliness and disconnection more than joyful belonging. So many of us look around the holiday table amid the glittering lights and silver garlands and only wish for a different seat at a different table.
Soul Mates: Bad Theology, False Expectations, and Deep Disappointment
ou want to know one reason why so many Christian marriages end up in divorce?
Where are You Actually Placing Your Hope?
Hope is a dangerous word, because in today’s culture, it’s so drastically misunderstood.
How You Can be Single and Happy
God has plan for you in every season of life whether single or married so don’t allow the title of Living Single define you in a way that is negative or stops the call of God on your life.
How Singles Can Thrive Not Just Survive the Holiday Season
Be real with your frustration but also give yourself permission to hope. We can’t go around singleness but we can go through it well. Maybe the real Christmas gift this year will be receiving again the One whom you already know.